
Saturday, February 4, 2017

50mm Study - Painting

I have a crazy story for you, even though it reveals how dense I can be sometimes. My birthday is coming up this month so I've been pooling my gift money in hopes of buying a new 50 mm lens. I did some research, found the one I wanted, and showed it to my husband. He looked at it for a minute, looked at the lens I currently had, and informed me that they were the same. I thought for sure he was wrong. The one I wanted was a step up! It was a newer, nicer model, surely!

Nope. I had nearly purchased the same lens I already had on my camera. I'm glad I checked with J beforehand. I get a little starry-eyed when I'm buying new camera gear and forget to look close at these things.

I'm sure I'll still come up with something else photography-related to spend all my birthday bucks on. That's where all my fun money goes, folks. For now I'm practicing with my good ol' 50 mm and some new Photoshop actions I recently added to my collection.

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